Thursday, August 19, 2010


I've decided to begin a blog... because I had began writing a book back in my freshmen year of college while I attended school at Hawaii and had completed around 100 pages.  While in Hawaii though, my lap top underwent liquid damage and I had yet to learn my lesson to save everything on a back up hard drive.  Therefore, I just about lost EVERYTHING... so I've decided to periodically gather my thoughts and memories from my time spent living in Hawaii and will sporadically update this section of the blog when time and desire permits.

The summer of 2007 was one of the greatest summers of my life and was the perfect way to depart home and move 3,000 miles across the Pacific Ocean for my first time living on my own.  I arrived in Honolulu, Hawaii in early August to prepare for football and my first semester of college.  I'll never forget the fact that I had to make the initial move with my dad, who isn't exactly the best person to settle you in somewhere for your first time away from home for a prolonged period of time.  Fortunately, my mom would join us in helping me prepare for living in Hawaii about a few days after our arrival... Thank God!  To be continued...

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